About Me

About Me

Hi, my name is Susanna and I am a software engineer who has worked and continues to work in the utilities sector; in the past I have worked in renewable energy, and now I continue to work in the water tech sector. I like to drive innovation.

I live for software engineering and software engineering is my passion.

I like to grow as fast as possible and as a result of that I write "Today I Learned" on LinkedIn on the days that I work when I can.

I started to add infographics; and then I started to want to store them with labels for reference and tags so they could be found easily.

A white woman with blonde hair and a white shirt stands behind some white and purple hanging flowers, wearing a white scarf.
You can also read my other blog at https://susannacodes.blogspot.com/

I now have a third blog too, The Zen of Coding https://thezenofcoding.blogspot.com/


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